Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Basic Books |
Books |
1 |
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
Carroll & Graf |
Books |
1 |
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
Sourcebooks Landmark |
Books |
1 |
John Adams
Simon & Schuster |
Books |
1 |
The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914
Simon & Schuster |
Books |
1 |
Bolivar: American Liberator
Simon & Schuster |
Books |
1 |
Eyewitness To Power: The Essence of Leadership Nixon to Clinton
Simon & Schuster |
Books |
1 |
Does America Need a Foreign Policy? : Toward a Diplomacy for the 21st Century
Simon & Schuster |
Books |
1 |
Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life
Grove Press |
Books |
1 |
Tobacco: A Cultural History of How an Exotic Plant Seduced Civilization
Grove Press |
Books |
1 |